12 February 2007

when do they sleep?

After living in our country for a while we are starting to recognize that some of the novelty of living here has worn off. One of these novelties is the close proximity in which houses are built.

We often hear the people that live in the house that backs up to ours; we hear the clanging of flatware on their plates when they eat, the sound of whatever show or movie they watch on TV, and of course the screaming 3 year old that never stops whining or crying. We have never had this intense desire to beat a child ever in our lives, but upon living here for a little over a month, we have learned that maybe children just need a good beating from time to time. It could also be that perhaps this hellion never gets sleep.

We regularly are in bed around 11:00 every night. We can hear our neighbors continue about their night well past the time that we have gone to bed. And the little beast next to us is still awake as we hear him screaming into the late hours of the night. We wake up every morning about 5:30 to the sounds of the family starting their day and of course the kid running amok. I'm sure that the kid is really sweet once you get to know him (maybe), but living next to him has been extremely grating as we hear him throwing stuff, whining, screaming, and throwing his temper tantrums! So in conclusion, we have learned from this family that the people never sleep, eat at odd hours, and don't discipline their kids.

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