10 October 2007

the hamptons vs. banana republic

Yesterday we received a hot tip that Banana Republic was opening here, in our dirty Asian city! We had already seen the signs go up, but were very surprised to see it open so soon. Anyway, we met up with Jessica at Starbucks and after enjoying their air conditioning (have we mentioned it’s miserably hot here?) we headed down the escalators to check it out and hopefully buy some clothes that fit.

Well, it was there and it was big. But unfortunately it was also overpriced. Now, I know you may be thinking, “Banana Republic is always overpriced!” but this was different. We’re talking a button down shirt for over $100, jeans for almost $150 and t-shirts for $50. I know we’ve been out of the states for nine months now, but this was overwhelming.

For example, Roger tried on a t-shirt similar to the one below.

U.S. Price - $29.50
Island Price - RP 498,000 (about $50)

They asked us why we weren't buying anything today. After all we were Americans, we should buy things from them. We told them that for that price we could send my mom to the mall, get her to buy the shirt, mail it to us and still have enough money left over for her to stop for some Starbucks while she was at the mall.

So, we are disappointed. Very, very disappointed. Shame on you Banana Republic and shame on you FJ Benjamin of Singapore, a subsidiary of FJ Benjamin Holdings Ltd, a franchise holder of the US clothing retailer Gap Inc., for getting our hopes up and then crushing them with your overpriced, yet beautiful American sized clothing!

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