04 October 2007

because heidi wanted to see some pictures

We have another new addition to the Hampton clan:

Another cat! So now we have twice the protection against rats and Sapi has a something besides us to chew on. It works out quite nicely for us. Our helper found this little fellow near her house, put him in a plastic bag, jumped on her motorbike and brought him over.

The few days were rough, Sapi thought the New Cat was a rat, or maybe just another chew toy, but now all is well....most of the time.

The New Cat does not yet have a name. We can't decide if we should stick with the Indo names or try out something in English. For now he is known only as "That Other Cat" or "That Little Cat." Any ideas? Email us at rogerandcoutney@gmail.com. And of course to see more pictures of our cats and everything else click here.

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