04 March 2008

Back in America

We've been in America for a little over a week now, and many people have been asking us if it's weird being home. Our answer: Definitely!

It is a little weird being back in the motherland. Especially because our homecoming was so sudden and we had no time to prepare. Being back home has made us aware of how much our adopted country has worn off on us.

Fast Food
Little things like what we should do with our trash at a fast food restaurant confuses us. In our adopted country, you never clean up your own trash in a restaurant, if you do such a thing, you are eliminating the need for someone's job. If you leave your trash on the table in the States, you're considered rude.

American food is so heavy and the portion sizes are massive. It's no wonder that about 30% of the US population is obese. It probably doesn't help that American food is so delicious. We're enjoying eating so much yummy food that we haven't eaten in over 14 months.

There are thousands of other differences that we've noticed since being back in the States, but there just isn't enough time or space to talk about them all; I imagine it would get boring to read all that anyway.

We are heading back to our Island on March 10th. Until then, we are just hanging out in Paducah with Courtney's family and concentrating on stuffing our faces with food we can't get in Asia and buying tons of stuff that we can't buy on our little island.

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