16 November 2008


We are back from our trip to Bali. We had a great time at the beach with Asher and ate a lot of good food. Asher did great flying, going to the beach, going out to eat and sleeping in a different bed. He's such a good baby!
There are many pictures and stories to come, but for now here is a video of Asher on the beach smiling.

Asher (and his sunburned parents) will be back in America in 28 days!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

What a cutie!

I saw your comment on Prayer of Hannah and wanted to pass along some basic info that you may already know. A lot of the major airlines have a baby bassinet that fastens to the bulkhead and can handle a baby up to 6 months. Most planes only have one bassinet per plane but depending on the airline you may be able to reserve it in advance. This really helped our traveling overseas because our baby slept peacefully and I could relax a little more knowing she was secure in the bassinet (they have a net that secures over the top so that if there is turbulence you don't have to worry about the baby flying out:-)

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