18 January 2010

Our Canadian Church

During the past four months we have been a part of a small Laotian church. The church has welcomed us into their family in a very literal way, this church is made up mostly of one big family. After a few months we are finally starting to figure out how everyone is related.

Roger has had the opportunity to share with this church and he has also been leading worship there the past few weeks. Asher and I hang around during the worship time and then head upstairs to the nursery to play.

We shared with the church that this was our last week before moving to Bangkok and they decided that was a good reason to have a potluck. They even surprised us at the end of the service with a cake.

The pastor was kind enough to explain to us that the cake didn't mean, "We are praying for you Phil," but it actually meant, "We are praying for you. Philippians 1:6." I'm glad they clarified.

Asher made some new friends and he was not intimidated by the fact that they are all in elementary school.

Asher was chowing down on some rice and trying to use a spoon.

There was a ton of food and a ton of family. We have had a great time being a part of this church while in Vancouver. A lot of the church members visit Thailand regularly to see relatives, so we are looking forward to seeing them in the future.

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