31 July 2007

thin mints and elephants

This past week we got a big box full of goodies in the mail courtesy of Roger's mom. She included all of the essentials: chocolate chip muffin mix, shave gel, vanilla and...
We have thin mints and tagalongs sitting in our refrigerator right now. Since receiving this great blessing of chocolate and calories we have set off to introduce these cookies to our new culture. So far they are a big hit, but we're not going to share too many of them.

In other news, we are still unpacking and getting settled back in after a great trip to Thailand. We didn't see any elephants on this trip and really didn't do too many touristy things, but we had a great time catching up with old friends.
While in Chiang Mai we got to spend a lot of time with friends from FPO. We went shopping, did a lot of eating and played some Clue.

We met back up with everyone in Bangkok to celebrate a birthday at Outback. I don't think we have ever enjoyed Alice Springs Chicken, Bloomin Onions and Cheese Fries as much as we did in BKK. They even had free refills!

Also in BKK we met up with some friends from college. They took us to eat, to shop and even to the spa for a nice relaxing massage. We also spent some time with Stephen and his new lady and generally just enjoyed the city.
This week we also had one of the teachers in our city return to America. Before she left we had a little girls day out and went to the mall to get some interesting photos made. Sort of an Olan Mills in Asia kind of thing, it was interesting...

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