28 August 2007

faq and such

The following are questions frequently asked:
1. What exactly do you do?
2. What else besides that?
3. What is a typical day like?

So, we decided to just answer them and give you a glimpse into the day-to-day life of two ex-pats living it up in The Islands.

Question 1: Well, we live in that house and teach English at a small English center in our city. We teach two nights a week. Our students are usually college students or people around our age that want to improve their English. It's sort of fun, we even give tests and pop quizzes and grade with a red pen.

Question 2: Lots of stuff. Sometimes we climb mountains and sometimes we go to Bali. Usually we sit at home and get bitten by our cat and read books.

Question 3: I guess the typical answer is there is not typical day here. It's always different, but here's a glimpse into what went on this past weekend.

Friday - House church with the other whities, then out to the mall to hang out and drink coffee and talk with a friend. Later some friends who live in our neighborhood sort of just showed up at the door wanting to see the famous Sapi cat and hang out. This led to a trip to the movie rental place and some pretty nasty side of the road burgers.

Saturday - Got up early to bake a cake, but didn't have any baking powder. Went to the store, they didn't have any baking powder. After a quick moment of cultural annoyance decided to make oatmeal cookies instead. Finished the cookies just as our group of high school girls showed up to hang out and go eat. Went to eat, went to the photo booth and got stared at by half the city while trying to squeeze three small Asian girls and two big American people into a photo booth. Came back home, made the girls eat some cookies, sort of hinted for them to leave. Packed up cookies and Kool-Aid headed over to a friends house for a movie club while Roger had his own movie club at our house.

Sunday - Got up early to go to something at our language school, they needed some token white people, we were glad to be of service. Walked around and got stared at for about an hour, played some kiddie game, dominated everyone at spelling English words and came back home. More people showed up at our house, we packed up in the car and drove to the other side of town to check out a new restaurant. Quite wonderful, fish came with eyeballs still in sockets and the sweet tea was less than five cents a glass. Came back home, sat down, got bitten by the cat and then packed up again and went to the English center for a chat club.

Monday - Whew! Our glorious day off. We slept half the day. Ate breakfast at lunch time and spent the rest of the day going back and forth between watching Jack Bauer and reading about Harry Potter's final adventure. And yes, we have borrowed two copies of the final Harry Potter book so we can both read them.

Any more questions?

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