19 August 2007

a word from the editor

I don't know how much you keep up with the news, but White House press secretary Tony Snow has indicated that he will be leaving his position in the near future. Why? Because he doesn't think he can take care of his family on the meager salary he is currently being paid. After all, he has children about to start college and they have come to expect a certain standard of living. Tony Snow and family are currently scraping by on his salary of approximately $168,000 a year. This strikes me as odd or maybe it's just strange to two people that have never made over $20,000 a year and currently live in a third world country.

Click here to read the story from CNN and look below for a response from Roger.

I was wondering why there has not been much mentioned as to the reason why Tony Snow is stepping down as Bush's spokesperson. He has said that he would quit "when the money runs out" and he has children to put through college. There seems to be a huge disconnect between "public servants" in government and us common people. Mr. Snow's salary is reported to be around $168,000. According to the US Census Bureau, the median US income was $44,389 between 2003 and 2004. How is it that most people are struggling to keep up with their mortgage and car payments, afford the rising cost of fuel, and put their children through school at the median income while Mr. Snow can't seem to do it for less than $200,000 a year? What does this say in general about those in government?

We would love to hear what you think. Email us at rogerandcourtney@gmail.com or leave us a message on facebook.

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