29 November 2007

broken toe

It has finally happened. After 25 years without breaking a bone, I (Roger) broke a toe yesterday. It hurts quite a bit, and after all my research on the internet it appears that it will take 4-6 weeks to completely heal...bummer!

How did it happen you ask? Well, on Wednesday Courtney, Jess., and I were doing a video shoot for a hotel in the city. We were the "models" for their shoot, which is quite a funny thought. So, it was the pool scene, and for some reason they wanted me to run at full speed and do a cannonball into the water. The first time I did it I slipped a little when I got to the edge of the pool but I didn't fall. Then they asked me to do it again. So, being the idiot I am, I said "Sure. Why not?. This time I'll make it even better!" I was hoping to run faster, jump higher, and make a more spectacular splash than before. So, with this goal in mind, I set off to achieve greatness. To go down in history with the most splendid cannonball the world has ever seen. My moment of greatness quickly turned into my moment of embarrassment and immense pain. I ran with so much speed that it must have been a source of inspiration to all who were there. It was beautiful. And just as I was about to make my great leap into the air and tuck my legs to my chest to produce the largest splash ever created by man, I lost my footing on the last step, causing my feet to fly high above my head, cracking my toe in the process and then landing back first into the pool. What did Court and Jess do? Good question. They laughed. Insult to injury! Salt in the wound!

So, here I am. Laying in bed with my foot propped at a level above my heart to decrease the blood flow. Looking at my toe which is bruised and taped to the healthy one next to it wondering how I could have fallen from such a great height. I have fallen, literally and figuratively. I'm getting no support or sympathy from Courtney and Jess who roll their eyes, call me mean names, and make comments like "I feel like I'm staying with my grandparents". Thanks for your support and love as I try to heal from such a tragic event.

To all those people who genuinely care about my rehabilitation from this very serious injury, thank you for your support. Sorry that there are no pictures this time, but I don't think that anyone would want to look at a black and blue swollen toe on the internet...feet are gross.

1 comment:

Kenny Barfield said...

Too funny… I (Alicia) have you beat though. I was playing wall ball with the fam and slid into a lovely, solid concrete wall. My first broken anything in 3_ years and it was my toe as well. FYI, depending on where it is broken, if you tape it to the neighbor toe, it may heal crooked! You have my sympathy, but don't believe the 4-6 week thing… I was walking all over Bali two weeks after I broke mine!

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