06 December 2007

Christmas time is here, so we've gotten out the tree, bought some ornaments and started decorating the house. It is actually starting to look a lot like Christmas if you can look past the 90 degree heat. I don't think I've ever gotten so sweaty putting up a Christmas tree! So far there are no Christmas tree pictures because it's not quite finished. Turns out in this lovely city they like to sell ornaments with no strings or hooks, so I'm trying to figure out how to hang the ornaments on the tree. But, we do have one little fan of the new Christmas tree set-up.

As for what else has been going on around here...
As we all know Roger broke his toe during his brief modeling career at the Novotel. One of the perks of modeling was being able to hang out in the Executive Suite all day. We sort of felt like imposters...

But we still managed to enjoy our time there...

We have also had a lot of fun the past few weeks enjoying goodies from the States. During Thanksgiving we went to the mountains with a bunch of friends to celebrate. A group from the States came to help out and watch the kids. They brought a ton of stuff with them including marshmallows, graham crackers and Hershey's chocolate bars. We thought it would be a shame to not make S'mores since we had all of the ingredients, so we lit the gas stove and went to town.

The finished product was quite delicious even if it did attract all of the ants in the neighborhood!

Also, we recently received a box full of goodies from the Jacksons.

They really didn't send us a cat, but instead sent us Christmas lights, peanut butter M&M's and a picture album filled with a year of fun.
I hope that catches you up with what has been going on around here. We are starting to get excited about Christmas, especially since Starbucks now has all of their Christmas drinks available (look for more about that in a future post) and our house is sort of decorated. For now, I'll leave you with a picture of Roger fighting crime (I think he looks like a Power Ranger).

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