09 December 2007

a game of numbers

4,000,000 – population of the city we live in

77,000 – amount (in Rupiah) for two peppermint mochas from Starbucks

65,000 – amount (in Rupiah) for a bag of Reese’s cups

11,421 – miles from home this Christmas

2,070 – people per square mile, the population density of our Island

101 – people per square mile, the population density of Kentucky

365 – number of days until we return to America (approximate)

160 – number of days until Susan McClure takes her first international flight and comes to see us (approximate)

92 – average daily temperature in December in The Islands

38 – average daily temperature in December in Kentucky

21 – number of Starbucks drinks that must be bought before Christmas to get the “free” Starbucks 2008 planner

14 – number of rats killed in our house this year

12 or 13 – hours time difference between The Islands and Kentucky

5 – weeks until we go to Bali for vacation

4 – number of times each week we go to Galaxy Mall

3 – number of planes that have crashed on our Island since we have arrived

2 – number of Christmas trees in our house

1 – year that we have lived here

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