17 December 2007

flooding, flooding

4 pm
If you didn't get it from the title, we've got a flood. Usually these floods occur outdoors, in the street. Today it's raining hard and it's flooding indoors. We've brought drinking water and cats upstairs and are settling in for a long night of House and roaches. For your enjoyment I made a video.

Update: The flood has now entered all of our downstairs bringing with it legions of dead and dying cockroaches. Both Hamptons and both cats are safely hidden upstairs with water and marshmallow cream.

Update: We just returned from a trip down to the kitchen. We didn't have any food upstairs and we were starting to get hungry. Unfortunately we really don't really have any food in the kitchen either. We managed to come up with peanut butter, graham crackers and oatmeal. There is about an inch of water throughout most of the downstairs, maybe closer to two or three inches in some parts. The water is so gross looking, it is full of roaches and other wormy looking things. Don't worry, we throughly disinfected after walking through it. Unfortunately it is still raining.

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