07 November 2007


Today we are de-worming. It turns out that living here and eating the food can cause you to have worms. Before moving here I thought that only cats and dogs needed to take worm medicine. We are actually taking the same medicine that we gave to our cats.

It sort of freaks me out that in this country animals and humans take the same medicine. A few weeks ago Sapi ate a flower and threw up, we called the vet, she said to give him some Mylanta. Sapi didn't like the Mylanta very much, I guess that minty fresh flavor just didn't appeal to him.

Other than de-worming, all is good here. Yesterday we went on a field trip to the newspaper, I'm not sure what language learning we actually did while there, but we did get to see where the paper is printed and the newsroom where all the writers work. During our tour of the newsroom we stopped by a bank of computers where "the wire" came in. These computers constantly received updates from the AP, Reuters, etc. Our tour guide told us to type in the name of our state to see what news was currently happening there. Jessica typed in South Carolina and had several stories pop up, including one about Stephen Colbert running for President. I, on the other hand, confidently typed in Kentucky expecting to find out what was going on in the Bluegrass. Nothing. There was not one single story about Kentucky, so I tried Louisville. Still nothing. So, evidently there is nothing happening in Kentucky.

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