03 November 2007

we're only happy when it rains

Well, it finally happened. At approximately 11:00 pm, Wednesday, November 1, it rained. Which unfortunately also meant the electricity went out. But that's okay with us. Rainy season is here! So what do two hot and sweaty twenty-somethings do when the electricity goes out? First, we lit some candles.

Thanks to some kind of weird relationship between Pier 1 and Ace Hardware we have an abundance of Pier 1 candles available here in The Islands. Unlike those jerks at Banana Republic who mark up their clothes when they bring them to Asia, the fine folks at Ace Hardware sell these candles for a very fair price of $1 (US retail price: $2.95). So, we had light and it smelled good too!
After the problem of light was addressed we faced our next obstacle: no running water. When the power goes out the water pump shuts off and we have no water. So being the logical, college educated adults that we are we went and stood out in the rain to wash off our sweat and stay cool.
Sometimes I would give anything to be our neighbors. I mean, think about it. Imagine one day these two foreigners show up in your neighborhood.

For the first few months they are always taking pictures of the strangest things like the mailbox, the laundry, the ground. They dress funny, they talk funny and then all the sudden it rains and there they are standing in their driveway in the middle of the night in a rainstorm washing their feet.
About an hour later the power came back on so we blew out the candles, took another shower and enjoyed having electricity and running water.
Now rainy season is here and so far it hasn't flooded on our street or in our house, so I love it! I think the temperature in our house has dropped about 20 degrees in the past week. Between the change in weather and Michael Scofield (we are currently watching Season 1 of Prison Break) life is pretty good here in the Hampton House.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Yes! Prison Break is the best! Season 2 is even better! Have fun watching. Your blog posts always crack me up and are fun to read!

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