01 September 2008

getting ready...

Today is the beginning of Ramadan, the month of fasting. Each morning at 2:30 am everybody wakes up and eats a big breakfast, lots of rice and meat and vegetables, and they drink a lot of water because until 5:30 pm they can not eat or drink anything. They do this everyday for the next month. At the end of the month they have a big celebration day (sort of like Christmas in America) and go visit all of their relatives and enjoy all the good eats again.
During this time of fasting a lot of business places have their employees wear traditional clothing. Our friend The Guitar Player was at our house last night showing us his new hat that he has to wear to work this morning. He made Roger try it on.

Besides getting ready for Ramadan Roger has also been getting ready to be a dad. To try and cope with all of the big grown-up changes happening he is having a big of a quarter life crisis. Yesterday he came home with a new car.

Ha ha! Yeah right. We are still rollin in the Kijang. I mean this car would be so impractical, it doesn't even have a backseat for Asher's car seat to go in.

And by the way, we do have the hot water restored. It just took a little fiddling with the hot water heater and it came back to life. Now we have the option of a hot shower, although it's gotten so hot here lately that we have still been using the cold water.

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