22 November 2009

Our Neighbors

Last week our neighbors, Saud and Manal, invited us over for dinner. We had seen them a few days before on their way to buy a sofa, they told us they needed to buy a sofa so that they could invite us over for dinner. So, a few days later they called and asked us what time we usually liked to eat dinner, we answered honestly and said around 5:30 or 6 (knowing that this would be ridiculously early in their culture). They laughed and said that was lunch time for them. We compromised on the time and headed down to their place around 6 for coffee and then ate dinner after that. Manal cooked us a traditional meal of rice, vegetables and fried chicken.

We had a great time talking with them and learning about their culture, we also were able to share a lot about our culture and what we believe. Asher was wonderful as always and quite taken with Saud. During dinner Asher wanted to sit with Saud and eat rice off his plate, he didn't want to sit with us.

Saud and Kwalla with Roger and Asher.

Asher loves to sit in chairs.

The mamas with their babies.

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